I’ve put together a one stop (free) shop of all the SENCO resources you lovely SENCOs and ALNCOs need to get started in your roles. Please let me know if anything is missing as I can add more. Scroll down for paperwork templates and staff and SENCO training information and EEF downloads. All the goodies on my blog will always be free. Can I just ask that you take a little look at my consultancy page and shop to see what I get up to in my spare time and check out SEND station’s online training, including my training session, ‘The new SENCO/ALNCo’ – details below.
School SENCOing is a challenge and wellbeing is high on my agenda. If you are having a wellbeing crisis, please send me a message and I’ll do my best to support and signpost.
SENCO Wellbeing SOS button
Before you go to the free stuff… I have also launched my accredited CPD courses with MyCPD: Courses will be added regularly.
Annual review template
One Page Profiles
Pupil Passport Templates
SEND End Of Year Survey
Overview Of Workload
SENCO Resources Document Downloads (free)
Check out all these SENCO Resource freebies at www.positiveyoungmind.com! #SENCO #ALNCO #inclusion @Positive_Y_Mind Share on X… and the page wouldn’t be complete without a shameless book plug (also on Amazon)! Keep scrolling for more SENCo stuff :).
SENCO CPD & Staff Training

The SENDStational SENCo: 1. Organising Effectively – A practical guide for new and returning professionals
About this session
Are you new to the SENCo/ALNCo role or a perhaps you’d welcome the opportunity to step back, reflect and refresh after a busy first term/year?
If you’re a SENCO/ALNCo you know it’s one of the most rewarding roles in school – and also one of the most challenging! Your complex and nuanced role plays a central part in the lives of children with special education needs. Your responsibilities range from managing specialist staff and budgets, informing good practice, identifying needs, understanding the law as it applies to SEND, supporting, explaining and advocating for pupils and their parents.
Your formal training may have taught you about your responsibilities but often the practical guidance on where to start, and to manage it all can be lacking. In this step-by-step supportive guide to your first day, week, month, term and year you’ll gain a valuable insight and some great practical guidance/resources.
Useful for: Newly appointed/New to the role SENCos/ALNCos or SENCos/ALNCos wishing to reflect and refresh
For all your online SEND training needs at excellent prices see: https://www.sendstation.co.uk/
To go straight to Eventbrite see: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/cc/the-sendstational-senco-collection-1884399

EEF resources

Further SENCO CPD resources links:

My Facebook network ‘The Sweary SENCO’ has become very big very fast (which is amazing!) and there are lots of SENCOs in need of wellbeing support at the moment. I always like to make myself available for SENCO wellbeing support and emergency trouble shooting and if you could help me sustain this around my freelance work, it would be much appreciated.