Bored Panda

From time to time, Bored Panda magazine ask me to comment on something to add to their blogs. Here are the links to the blog posts I have been mentioned in.

These keep coming so I’m just going to list them!






Article 1: If You’re Feeling Down, These 50 Wholesome Pics Might Lift You Up

We’ve all made it. Let’s stand for a big round of applause for the 2020 survivors: you, me, our loved ones, relatives, frenemies, and whatnot. The good news is, it’s all history now and the twenty twenty (w)one memes are here to stay in the archive.

The better news is that we are off to a good start. Just think about it… the long-awaited Covid-19 vaccines are in, Biden is president, and the earth is still round.

To show you that we are all going to be alright, Bored Panda has compiled a list of the most wholesome pictures to warm our hearts and bring us a sense of happiness. Remember to upvote your favorite uplifting stories and let us know in the comments below what made you smile recently. Click below to read on….

Article 2: 40 Of The Best Answers To “What Is One ‘Unwritten Rule’ You Think Everyone Should Know And Follow?”

There are rules, stupid rules, and rules that nobody argues about. Like, the one where you don’t answer out loud if someone whispers to you. Call it common sense, human behavior at its best, or an unwritten rule, that doesn’t change it—you just whisper if someone whispers at you.

So what are these unspoken rules that never get written down and are considered logical arguments or actions? Are they that different when it comes to various people? Click below to read on….

Article 3: Sharing The Best Moments When Rich Kids Were Hit By The Real World

A spoiled child is someone who exhibits behavioral problems from being overindulged by their parents or other caregivers. You probably knew a kid like this in school: they couldn’t handle hearing ‘no’; would be a sore loser at whatever, be it a game, a test, a bet; and act like the entire world revolved around them.

It’s no secret that part of the problem with spoiled kids is nothing else but their very own loving parents. So to find out how parents spoil their children and what happens when they encounter a reality check, Bored Panda reached out to Lynn How, the author of “Positive Young Minds” who specializes in supporting parents, teachers, and children navigating through mental health issues and prevention.

Click below to read on…..