Fully Customisable, Child Centred, Annual Review Template (easy to screen share on a video call!)

It is so important for children with an EHCP to have a review which they can take part in as well as a document that they can understand and refer back to over the year. I put this together for my school last year which has gone down well with parents and children. In the current situation, this is a good way to share the process online during the review with screen sharing making the meeting more interactive. Hopefully with this resource, the annual review will be a more positive experience. Especially, for children who sometimes have difficulty understanding the review process if the documentation isn’t child friendly.

You can add bits in and take them out – I’m sure different LAs have different expectations and headings. The graphics are based around Smart Art so if you click the Smart Art tab at the top, you can fiddle with colours, pictures and settings.

….Also, I’m sure that many of you have your own fantastic way of recording your annual reviews in a child centered way. If you have a template that you would be willing to share, I would love to add it to this page and credit you for it!

Thanks for looking,



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