The Superpower of Sound Processing and Rhythmic Skills

As parents and/or educators you will no doubt be aware that music and rhythm significantly support young children’s development but apart from the surface-level knowledge of the overall benefits in areas such as mood and literacy, what are the underlying scientific principles that make these skills so important to the developing child? Boogie Mites takes Read More

Reasonable Adjustment In Classrooms and Schools

Reasonable adjustment in the classroom and at school are accommodations made to ensure that students with additional needs have equal access to educational opportunities. These adjustments are designed to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment which is of course what we want in all of our schools! It means schools have a legal obligation Read More

SENCO Talks – QFT strategies for secondary (via Spotify)

oducing SENCO Talks – Informative discussions on Additional Educational Needs, to help all Secondary school staff better support pupils with additional needs. May also be suitable for some of your primary children. There are nine episodes on a range of SEND needs. Hope you enjoy them and are able to share them with your colleagues.

#ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2021 Lockdown Resources for SEND

It is clear that while this period is difficult for everybody, there are particular groups who are receiving less support than needed. Here are a number of resources that can be utilised to help alleviate some of the stresses of lockdown for our young people with SEND.