Life After Teaching Self-Employment Ideas

african american female freelancer using laptop and drinking coffee

If you’ve decided to give up the teaching game, but you don’t want to retire into a quiet life just yet, then starting a self-employment business, using the vast arsenal of skills you built up in your years at school, could be a good option for you. 

That being so, let’s take a look at some of the business ideas best suited to ex-teachers, to get those creative juices flowing, and to show you what might be possible:

1. Creating and Selling Educational Resources: Use Your Knowledge for Profit

Remember all those nights spent crafting perfect lesson plans and innovative teaching materials? It might have seemed like a relentless slog, but now it might just pay off in more ways than a well-planned lesson. You see, it is possible to sell teacher resources to people who are still in the profession, who are looking for things like high-quality lesson plans, and resources.

2. Tutoring Service: Your Classroom, But Comfier

Starting a tutoring business can be a natural transition for former teachers. You already have the teaching ability, you know how to explain trigonometry in three different ways, and you’ve mastered the art of keeping kids focused before lunchtime. Why not set up a service tutoring students in your area or even online? Specialise in areas you’re passionate about or subjects where there’s high demand, like SAT prep or science, and watch your appointment book fill up faster than a parent-teacher conference night.

3. Educational Consulting: Be the Yoda of School Systems

As an ex-teacher, you have a wealth of insider knowledge about educational systems. Start a consulting firm to help schools and educational companies improve their curricula, teacher training, and operational strategies. You’ll be part whisperer, part guru, advising on everything from classroom management to tech integration. It’s your chance to make a big-picture impact—no marking required.

4. Children’s Book Author: Channel Your Inner Dr. Seuss

If you’ve ever read a children’s book and thought, “I could do this,” then maybe it’s time to put pen to paper, because with all of your experience working with children seeing how they think and learn, and what they love, who is actually better places to make a success of it than you? Sure, you might not be the next J.K. Rowling, but that doesn’t mean you can’t inspire the next generation! Here’s the children’s book that I self-published, I can’t retire but it does bring in a small income.

5. Educational Apps and Games Developer

In an age where kids can swipe a screen before they can tie their shoes, educational apps and games are booming. Use your classroom insights to develop apps that make learning fun. Partner with tech-savvy developers to bring your ideas to life if coding isn’t your forte. Your app could be the next big thing in classrooms across the globe, making learning about ancient Egypt fun and inspiring.

6. Teach Abroad Programs: Take Your Skills Global

For those with wanderlust, why not combine travel with teaching by starting a teach-abroad program? Help other educators find opportunities to teach overseas. Your business could provide everything from job placements to visa assistance and pre-trip training. It’s a great way to use your educational network and experience while helping others expand their horizons—literally.

7. Workshop Facilitator: Teach the Teachers

You’ve managed classrooms like a boss; now teach others how to do it. Offering workshops on classroom management, teaching strategies, or new educational technology can be a lucrative way to pass on your wisdom. Market your workshops to schools, or through professional teacher organisations. Plus, you get to boss around other teachers, which, let’s be honest, can be pretty fun.

8. Professional Organiser: From Classroom Chaos to Tidy Tips

Teachers are pros at organising—whether it’s lesson plans, school supplies, or that one desk that always looks like a paper bomb exploded. Start a professional organising business to help others (not just teachers!) get their homes, offices, or lives in order. Your skills in managing chaos are needed everywhere!

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9. Public Speaking Coach: Turn Stage Fright into Spotlight

If standing up in front of a room full of sceptical teenagers has taught you anything, it’s how to hold an audience’s attention. Use these skills to coach others on public speaking. From executives to budding entrepreneurs, help them refine their delivery, enhance their messages, and maybe even throw in some fun icebreakers. You know, for old times’ sake.

10. Online Courses for Adult Education: Grow Your Audience

Who says teaching has to stop at age 16? Develop online courses for adults looking to learn new skills, whether it’s professional development, personal enrichment, or learning how to cook something more complicated than spaghetti. Platforms like Udemy or Coursera can be your digital classrooms where you can reach students worldwide.

11. Language Coaching Business: Use Your Words

Capitalise on your language skills by starting a language coaching business. Whether it’s English or another language you’re fluent in, your teaching experience can be invaluable in helping others master a new language. With the rise of global communication and international business, language skills are in high demand. Offer personalised coaching sessions online or in person, tailoring your lessons to professionals who need to enhance their proficiency for career growth or travellers looking to immerse in new cultures.

12. Career Counselling for Educators: Help Them Make the Right Choices

Many teachers contemplate career transitions at some point because let’s face it, teaching is a very stressful job with not a lot of financial reward, and as someone who has already been down that route, you are pretty well placed to help them along the way, right? Setting up a career counselling or life coaching service that specialises in helping educators find their niche in life could be a very regarding way to make a living and run a successful business, we’re sure. Again, Udemy has cost effective life coaching courses.

13. Mindfulness and Stress Management Training: Decompress

Teachers are all too familiar with the stresses of the job, from managing classrooms to meeting curriculum standards. Why not turn this understanding into a business that offers mindfulness and stress management training? Target educational institutions to offer these services to staff or open it up to professionals in various fields. Teaching techniques for managing stress, improving mental focus, and maintaining emotional well-being could make a significant impact on many lives.

14. Custom Learning Materials for Special Education: Be Diverse

There’s a substantial need for specialised teaching materials that cater to diverse learning needs, especially in SEND. Use your experience to create and sell custom learning aids, tools, and activities that help students with special needs. This could range from sensory integration tools to interactive educational software that addresses specific learning challenges. It’s not only a business with a potential market but also one that makes a real difference.

15. Educational Travel Company: Harness Your Cultural Side

Combine travel with learning by starting an educational travel company. Plan trips that have an educational component—like historical tours, science expeditions, or literary journeys. This business suits former teachers who love to explore and want to extend their teaching beyond the classroom. Each trip could focus on a different theme or subject area, providing immersive learning experiences that are both fun and informative.

16. Homework Help and Study Centre: After School

Establish a local homework help and study centre where students can come after school for help with their homework, test preparation, and other academic support. This can be particularly appealing in communities where parents are often busy and might not always have the time or expertise to help with their children’s schooling. Your teaching background gives you the credibility to offer a structured and supportive environment that fosters learning and development.

17. Educational YouTube Channel: Start Your Media Career

Start an educational YouTube channel that makes learning engaging and accessible to students worldwide. Whether it’s breaking down complex scientific concepts, offering history lessons, or providing grammar tips, your channel can be a valuable resource for students, parents, and even other educators. With the right content strategy and some basic video-making skills, this could evolve into a profitable platform with monetisation through ads, sponsorships, and viewer subscriptions.

Hope you have found some inspiration for teacher self-employment here! Good luck in your next venture and thanks for reading.



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