Dyslexia: Pupil Voice For Effective Support

by Margaret Rooke Children with dyslexia need to believe they can and will succeed. This will help them with learning, behaviour, motivation, school attendance, relationships, feelings of self-worth and so much more. Incorporating pupil voice within their support is a key factor in achieving this. Leaving school with their self-belief intact is so important when Read More

Five little steps to support children’s social, emotional and mental health in a world of big pressures

The number of pupils experiencing difficulties with their social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) is rising rapidly and when we consider the huge pressures put on children at present, it is any wonder? Pressures from the national curriculum In the early years, the national expectations for the end of the reception year (age 5) involve, Read More

10 Tips For Building A Stable Relationship With Your Child

Building a stable and healthy relationship with your child is essential for their emotional development and overall well-being. I strongly believe that when preventing mental health issues in children, if you only did one thing, then this is the thing that would underpin all the others in ensuring your child has excellent foundations on which Read More

How Social Action Can Boost Children’s Mental Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people worldwide will experience mental health problems at some point in their lives, and many of these issues develop during childhood. Early intervention is paramount to giving young people the best start in life. Primary schools have a vital role to play in supporting children’s Read More

Forest Schools and SEMH

An article by Joel Glyn-Davies Muddy hands. Huge Smiles. Calm, mindful moments. All of these have come to mark my Forest School sessions.  As a Forest School teacher in the inner city, you can imagine I have my challenges – not least of all, I have no forest! Instead, we have scraped back and reclaimed Read More

5 Best Practice Tips For Pupil Mental Health 

With need at an all time high and resources at an all time low, what can you embed in your school this year to secure support, improve aspirations and help to future proof the mental health of the next generation? I understand all too well the situation we are currently in. There is a huge Read More

Spotlight On… The Kindness Coach!

Lovely to catch up with my friend John Magee (The Kindness Coach) to find out how he has been supporting schools up and down the county with kindness and why kindness matters. John invites you to challenge yourself, your family, your friends and every human being you come into contact with, to embrace and share Read More