Adult Screen Time; A Different Perspective

portrait of woman photographing with smart phone

There is so much bad press surrounding adult screen time and how it encourages you tune out of the world around you, meaning you are less present in your life. I am a firm believer in everything in moderation and although I don’t look at my phone at the table or while I’m talking to someone, sometimes, I do just enjoy mindlessly scrolling though feeds and posts. It was a guilty pleasure of mine, until I chose to forget the ‘guilt’ element.

To me, it helps me relax. Don’t get me wrong, I am in danger at times, of scrolling not doing. Social media can be a great displacement behaviour and procrastination tool to avoid actual real life. But if you can stay on top of this and maintain actual friendships/relationships with actual tangible people, whom you can communicate with in person, as well as maintain your mindless scrolling, then you are onto a winner. I also practice mindfulness meditation which in my mind, cancels out some of the scrolling.

Now I’m a believer in the universe having a plan. For me and for you and for the world in general. I’m pretty convinced that the pandemic only hit us when we had the technology in place to support us in getting through it. Imagine if you will the same thing happening in the year 2000 (when many believed there would be either a technological or an actual apocalypse….), there would have been no means of keeping in touch in the positive ways that we have seen. Technology has changed many work life balances for the better. Although I don’t believe for one minute that working from home 100% of the time is particularly healthy either in some cases, I fully support flexible working models that this period of time has developed. I also feel strongly that they should increase to other sectors….. Teaching for example.

I also feel strongly that they should increase to other sectors….. Teaching for example. Adult Screen Time; A Different Perspective Click To Tweet

I would describe myself as an extroverted introvert. I can be the life on soul of the party if I choose to be or sometimes I’ll listen more than speak. Either way, I wasn’t someone who would actively seek new connections. Zoom however has changed that. Through my new hobbies of learning Tarot and Reiki, which developed because of lockdown, I now chat on zoom with people from all over the globe. Canada, South Africa, Slovenia, India, Greece, USA…. The list goes on. Before lockdown I would have never actively sought these opportunities to speak to anyone from a different country. I have learnt so much from my new zoom tribe and have made such good friends that I could potentially do a trip round the world and hang out at their houses (be warned new friends if I ask for your address…)! Closer to home, I have visited people from the UK that I have met in a breakout room. The world for me has got much smaller and more colourful.

I have found online communities to support my life. From teacher well-being and SENCOing to making new outdoorsy friends, Reiki and Tarot – there is a Facebook group for everyone. Never before has it been so easy to find like minded people and connect with them. Do you like to bathe crystals under the full moon wearing a toga? There’s a group for you – even if your interests seem a bit niche. Find your tribe and thrive! Being part of a community is so important for our mental health and sometimes it’s hard to find others with similar interests. Less so now. Embrace it! 

Find your tribe and thrive! Being part of a community is so important for our mental health. Click To Tweet

I have blogged and blogged and blogged and set up Facebook groups and blogged some more. Writing got me through everything and the blog has gone from strength to strength. So much so that I’m going self employed very soon to support SEND parents and schools as well as teacher and school well-being (with a bit of Reiki and Tarot thrown in as well!). I did mental health training and a life coach qualification- all because of lockdown and all because there is so much more learn at your own pace online out there. If you haven’t discovered Udemy courses – have a look at what you can learn! Watch this space for self-employment news! Shameless plug for my Facebook groups below:

I have got into Twitter and Insta and Linkedin and YouTube (like and subscribe!!!), found and illustrator for my children’s book (kick starter on the way!). I love making content and am just moving into video so that you can all see the real me as for the first time ever I’ve felt I can be my true authentic self. I’ve made loads of positive connections and even landed myself a publishing deal. All because I’ve spend too long staring at a screen each day. 

It therefore can’t be all bad!


If your children appear to be happy and healthy and have enough of your time. 

If you can manage to peel your eyes away from it when conversing or eating. 

If your relationships are good. 

If you are getting outside and enough vitamin D. 

If you are able to find plenty of healthy ways to relax and switch off which include mindless kitten video scrolling…. 

If you are getting enough actual rest and exercise.

Then quit beating yourself up about your screen time and reflect on all those positive things that you get from it. 

Oh and eat the cake while you’re at it as well!

Thanks for reading,



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