#ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2021 – Introducing @DarrellWakelam

Darrell has a great job – He makes a living from sticking bits of paper and cardboard together to make things! He a freelance artist working with children of all ages. During Children’s Mental Health Week, he is encouraging children (and adults) everywhere to ditch the screens and get creative.

I originally trained as an illustrator but gradually over time I became more and more interested in sculptural work, nowadays my work is predominantly three dimensional and incorporates simple techniques and cheap, everyday materials, mainly scrap cardboard and paper. This makes the outcomes accessible and achievable for even the youngest of participants.

I love what I do and I hope that is apparent in the work that I create. I enjoy working with children, I admire their adaptability and resourcefulness, I appreciate their honesty and I am always amazed by their energy and enthusiasm. In return I try my best to match these attributes.


Studies have shown that expressing themselves through art can help people with depression, anxiety, or cancer, too. And doing so has been linked to improved memory, reasoning, and resilience in healthy older people. The beneficial effects of creating aren’t dependent on a person’s skill or talents.


With this in mind, fostering creativity for positive mental health in young people, is not only of high priority but also very easy.

Darrell has created #ArtJumpStart – a collection of easy art projects to try at home using materials from your recycling. A perfect lockdown art activity with something for everyone. You can view the instruction files and contact Darrell on his website:


Here are some examples of what you can make:

There are 50 projects to choose from – hope you enjoy getting creative on #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2021 and beyond! Tweet #ArtJumpStart with your amazing sculptures and please tag me in as well – @Positive_Y_Mind :).

Thanks for reading,



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