Dyslexia Friendly Classrooms

How do your classroom practices align with these straightforward adjustments? Would you consider your classroom to be dyslexia and literacy difficulty friendly? Download the classroom poster below to share with your staff. These strategies for a dyslexia friendly classroom should ensure that your pupils with dyslexia or other similar literacy difficulties are able to access Read More

Reasonable Adjustment In Classrooms and Schools

Reasonable adjustment in the classroom and at school are accommodations made to ensure that students with additional needs have equal access to educational opportunities. These adjustments are designed to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment which is of course what we want in all of our schools! It means schools have a legal obligation Read More

Supporting Our Pupils With The Ongoing Conflict (via Teacher Toolkit) + Further Resources for National Reflection Day

With the ongoing fighting, the plight of those who have been affected by war is not far from any of our minds. The conflict has been problematic for teachers to know what to say; what is too much and what is not enough. It is a huge challenge to cater to everyone’s wishes in this situation; kudos goes to all of our schools that deal with these issues with sensitivity.

#ChildrensMentalHealthWeek: Inside Out day 3/2/21

What is Now and Beyond on Inside Out Day? On the 3rd February 2021, Now and Beyond will host the UK’s first ever mental health and wellbeing festival for schools, during Children’s Mental Health Week. Beyond are a grant-giving organisation committed to making a difference to the mental health of young people up and down the UK. Beyond Read More

2021 – The Year Of You! (with infographic)

Improving our mood and mindset goes a long way to in turn improving those external issues or at least our perception of them. Now before this pandemic I would scoff at the suggestion that I should take more time for me; seeing it as an insurmountable challenge with my giant ‘to do’ list. However, various twists of fate have led me to making ‘me’ a higher priority. Which is the first thing on the path to improvements. Check out these 8 areas to work on and accompanying infographic.

Back To School: Behaviours That Challenge Prevention Checklist (Blog and Infographic)

As we gradually move towards something that resembles ‘business as usual’ in our schools, we will be continuing to face a number of challenges with anxious and attention needing children. Some, we will expect to need extra resources and time. However, some will crop up unexpectedly. It’s better to have a plan that is not needed as opposed to no plan!