#ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2021 Lockdown Resources for SEND

It is clear that while this period is difficult for everybody, there are particular groups who are receiving less support than needed. Here are a number of resources that can be utilised to help alleviate some of the stresses of lockdown for our young people with SEND.

Pupil Passport Template (primary) – Fully Customisable

Pupil passports are a great way to compliment your One Page Profiles and are a useful document to support home school links, for children to track their own targets and for them to support their own learning by developing independence. They are also handy when it comes to transitions. In order for children with SEND Read More

Successful Pupil Transition

What an impossible situation we find ourselves in. Last year, I was blogging about successful transitions for SEND pupils with all the best practice and resources ideas I could muster but in this crazy situation, none of those bells and whistles will be possible. How will children have successful transitions to another year group or school with so many variables and unknowns? I don’t have the answers but the following are ideas that you could try out without the need for physical visits. Once you know, with more certainty, what next year will look like, transition plans can follow. Even if you need to start them in September!

The BIG transitions for autistic and send pupils after lockdown – free online training by Lynn McCann via @SchudioTv

Practical help, advice and resources to help you prepare your Autistic and SEND children for the big transitions as lockdown begins to ease. What you’ll learn on this course: This course is for Senior Leaders, Teaching staff and Parents and explores the challenges that will face autistic and SEND pupils going through transitions this year. Read More