This simple SEND paperwork overview will support you in what to use and when and help explain the differences to staff and parents. Please check your individual Local Authority guidance for any local variations.
Although robust paperwork systems are best practice, most is not statutory so there will be variations in use from school to school.
The file download is below.
- End of key stage outcomes.
- Written by the LA (not the SENCO) with clear targets based on reports from professionals. Targets reflect what pupils are working towards by the end of the key stage.
- Targets then feed into the annual review.
To be amended as required or at the end of key stage or sooner if pupil needs change. If you need training for EHCPs, please see the below:
Annual Review
- End of year outcomes
- End of key stage targets from the EHCP document are broken down further to end of year targets.
- These targets depend of opinions of the SENCO/staff and professionals and take into account progress made.
- Targets feed into IEP.
To be completed yearly or less than a year if a change is required. E.g. change of school or more provision required. I also have some annual review training:
Also, my annual review child centred template is here:
Individual Education Plan
- Termly outcomes
- The annual review targets are broken down further to consider what targets the pupil is going to work towards over the next term (The IEP could also include EHCP outcomes somewhere).
- Pupils without EHCPs may have an IEP with termly targets and how they will be achieved.
To be completed termly or you can complete more frequently if you want extra evidence for an EHCP needs assessment (although legally, this is not necessary).
IEP sample templates and provision map samples available here:
Provision Map (individual)
- How are the targets being met?
- Could also include shorter term 2 weekly targets.
- This document states what is being provided for the pupil and can be costed if required, to allow transparency in checking how much money is being spent on an individual.
To be completed termly or more often if required. This document could also be where individual interventions are recorded and tracked.
You can also have whole school provision maps to track what is going on across the school.
One Page Profile
- Individual information for all adults working with a pupil.
- This document provides key information and is completed with the pupil to outline important areas of their needs and provision that all adults need to know. For example, communication needs and medical overview. It may or may not include targets.
To be completed annually with the pupil and updated termly if a change is required.
By far my most downloaded resources and the front page of google! Check out all my One Page Profile Templates for primary and secondary!
Or you might prefer a pupil passport which is here.
If you are a new SENCO or in need of some SENCOing skills, please see my SENCO training with SEND Station as well as all of my courses:
Here is the poster download:
Hopefully this SEND paperwork overview has made the paperwork aspect easier to understand for you!
Thanks for reading!