I have been lucky to be selected to be a guest author for True Education Partnerships who awarded me Edublog of the week a few months ago.
Please see below for ways in which to interweave SEMH into your everyday practice.
The fundamentals of SEMH may run through your school like the middle of a stick of rock or they may be somewhat underdeveloped. Either way, there are some tactics you can employ to ensure that in your classroom, your core purpose is to develop the whole child by supporting their social and emotional development. This will help developed schools strive for further excellence in this area through many marginal gains. If SEMH is sadly, way down on the agenda in your setting, you will know that by employing SEMH at the heart of your teaching, you are doing the best for the children in your care to ensure their needs are met.
SEMH underpins educational development and learning. Without these skills there is no foundation on which to build on. Once children are confident in their own SEMH, then their progress will follow. Not putting in these foundations is like building a wall on the sand. You can make it as high as you like by getting through the objectives but it will all fall down when the learning doesn’t stick or the child is not showing the learning behaviours needed.
The following 12 suggestions (ranging from rapport to aspirations and a whole lot in between), are things that you can do to support SEMH in your classroom from day one. Click here for the full article:

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True Education Partnerships has been building strong, lasting partnerships between the UK and China since 2011 (formerly Access China UK). We provide a range of Government-backed, tailored discovery and engagement programmes, including headteacher delegations and student exchanges, that help to encourage learning and unleash new opportunities.
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