SEND Parents Survey (Editable)

It’s really useful to find out how well your parents feel that your school has supported children over the year with the SEND parent survey. You can celebrate what worked well and also contact parents if they had an issue you were not aware of, to allow a fresh start next year. Google collates all the information for you to access at the end of the survey. You will also have valuable evidence of parent voice. This form can be easily edited for any area of the school, not just SEND.

IMPORTANT! – Please follow these steps to ensure that you end up with your own version of the survey (and don’t overwrite the original!). Also, this includes being added to my newsletter list. If you don’t wish to be added, please add a note on the request.

Firstly, you will need a Google account to allow you to save the form – you can use your existing email address for this:

Once you have saved a copy (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SAVE A COPY BEFORE EDITING USING THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW), you can change it to suit your school and circumstances by clicking the link and following these instructions.

Please note once you have clicked the link, I will get an email asking to add you as a collaborator so please be patient if you don’t get access straight away. I also won’t be using your email address for anything else or saving it anywhere (feel free to subscribe to the blog at any time though!).

Also, if by any chance the link leads to an amended survey, it is because someone didn’t follow the instructions! In this instance, please contact me ( and I’ll reset it (again!).

Once you have clicked the link, click the request access button

Once you have access, please follow these steps:

SEND survey

Here is the link:

Here is some possible letter wording for your SEND survey as well:

Dear parents and carers,

It has been a particularly challenging year for all of us but nevertheless, we are always keen to keep moving forward and improving what we do in order to support all of the children in our care. Please could you take 5 minutes to fill in this survey which will help shape the future of SEND provision at our school.

Please may I also take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and wish our year * pupils best wishes for the next stage in their education journey.

Kind regards,

Hope you find the SEND parents survey useful! If you are an Infant or Junior school only, you’ll need to change the number of year groups.


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