Mal Krishnasamy is an Education Consultant & Executive Coach specialising in leadership development and coaching in education. She believes passionately that in the right culture, students, teachers and schools thrive. One of her recent posts, particularly resonated with me as we often talk to children about their stress buckets but rarely take our own advice, in order to stop ours from overflowing.
This blog post is teaming with practical advice in staff stress bucket maintenance and would compliment your wellbeing CPD in the new term.
Teachers have been under prolonged pressure, anxiety of the unknown and constant changes since even before this global pandemic. The pressure became intensified with this pandemic.
To read the rest of the blog post please click here:

I‘m in a unique position of understanding the strengths of teachers, the pressures they are put under and the struggles between wanting to stay or leave the profession.
I also understand the burdens senior leaders face when trying to marry school improvement needs, with national priorities whilst dealing with a funding crisis.
For more about Mal see:
She is also available for complimentary 30 min coaching calls to discuss areas raised in her post, as well as consultancy for other aspects of leadership development and coaching. Please contact her with the details below: