I was so pleased to have secured an interview with @TommyTikTok88! He’s a teacher in an SEND school, whose channel started as a one off during lockdown to support his pupils in navigating all the changes that took place in schools. He didn’t quite imagine what what to come as he now has over 1.8 million followers!
This interview includes:
- More about the inspiration and motivations behind his hugely popular TikTok channel.
- How the videos are put together.
- A discussion about the educational challenges in his setting and the profession in general.
- Discovering how his creative and humorous videos have supported his wellbeing and also the wellbeing of others.
We had a lovely chat and I may consider breaking into TikTok in the future – it appears that it’s the place to be!
A couple of my favourite Tommy TikTok clips:
Hope you enjoyed it! Once you’ve subscribed to Tommy TikTok, please also consider subscribing to my YouTube for more videos on teacher wellbeing and life after teaching.

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