SENsible SENCo: SENCo Wellbeing with Lynn How

Recorded last year with Abigail and Gavin from SENsible SENCo, I’m resharing for anyone who missed it!

Show notes:

In this webinar we discussed SENCO wellbeing with Lynn How from Positive Young Minds Lynn is a freelance educational consultant, author and blogger. She has worked in primary education for 20 years. During this time, she has had the roles of SENCO and Assistant Headteacher and Lead mentor for an ITT institution. She has taught the whole primary age range, taught in an alternative provision and led an enhanced provision for SLCN. Lynn holds an MA in education, specialising in social and emotional health and special needs. She also holds a NASENCO, NPQH and ELKLAN qualification.

Her areas of expertise are special educational needs, wellbeing and mental health (staff and pupil), leadership, mentoring and coaching. You can find her teacher wellbeing group to support those either transitioning out of teaching or those working on improving their work-life balance at:… Lynn is also the editor of Teacher Toolkit as well as having her own blog: (see SENCO pages) This has a wealth of free resources and articles for teacher and pupil wellbeing, SEND, SEMH and SENCOs. Her work with SENCO support is continuing with a ‘SENCO Survival’ book due to be published with Hinton House early next year. This will be followed by another on the topic of SEMH in the early years. She also enjoys writing children’s literature and is the author of ‘Your Rainbow’.

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00:01:41 Introduction to Lynn How

00:03:51 My journey so far

00:04:39 My Wellbeing Lady Mission

00:05:56 Stephen Covey’s Circle of Concern and circle of influence

00:07:25 Taking back control of your continuum

00:09:45 SENCO common issues

00:11:06 Resource issues at a classroom level

00:13:03 Issues at an LA/National Level

0014:03 The positives to being a SENCO

00:14:55 What does the research say?

00:20:30 SENCOs are Superheroes – Raising your Profile

00:33:14 10 top tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing

00:42:01 Contact details for Lynn How

00:43:36 Questions and Answers

00:43:58 How do teachers manage to fit in lunch?

00:48:25 How do you find time for training as a SENCO?

00:50:56 How to learn to manage people as a SENCO

00:52:19 How to recruit and retain – issues with the current system

00:56:13 Apprentice wage doesn’t cover the shortage?

01:00:55 Teaching assistants used as teachers?

01:01:30 Lynn’s new books!


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