Advice, Support and Consultancy in and around Essex

The process of gaining support for a child with SEND is overwhelming, there is a lot of information out there and it can be difficult to sort the fact from fiction. Sometimes a friendly face who is experienced in SEND is exactly what you need to ensure your child’s education is on track.
That’s where SEND Support consultancy and support services come in…
Working independently or collaboratively to support families and professionals in Essex and further afield via zoom.
What support can I provide for your family?

EHCPs & Statements of SEND
Applying, reviewing drafts, lodging appeals through to annual reviews and ensuring provision is carried out. If your child has high needs and would benefit from an EHCP, I can support with your parental application. I have a very successful track record in obtaining EHCPNAs (needs assessments). I will also advise if I feel that your child’s needs can be met within school without further funding and suggest strategies for schools.
In school support
I can provide you with questions to ask your school if you are concerned about provision for your child as well as what evidence to ask for. In school, I can support with EHCPs, One Plans, pupil observations and report as well as support your child’s school and SENCO with a fresh perspective and plan to move forward. I can also attend meetings with you as your family’s advocate.
Walk and talk
If you would like some SEND advice and support, I can meet you somewhere local for a walking meeting, this is particularly useful if you have young children! I can of course come to your home if that is easier. Meetings always have follow-up notes and action points.
I’m a SENCO with 20 years teaching and senior leadership experience. I also hold an MA in SEND and Wellbeing and an NPQH (head teacher qualification). This allows me to have a good idea of what schools should be able to provide your child. It also enables me to work well with schools as I can easily relate to their current challenges! One of my other consultancy roles is in SENCO training which allows me to connect with SENCOs from across the country.
Please get in touch using the form below. The initial 30 minute no obligation chat, is always free.