It’s children’s mental health week next week and never has there been a more important time to focus on their (and our) wellbeing. Here’s some quick and easy activities with minimal resources to build into your day.
Monday – Sensory Countdown
Why this is useful: If children feel anxious or stressed, this is a good activity to undertake as it allows them to take a moment to breathe, regain focus, and put their minds in an aware and receptive state. Children may wish to memorise this idea to use in other situations. At the start of your online learning, take them through this exercise. They can either write it or think it.
- 5 things you can see
- 4 things you can touch
- 3 things you can hear
- 2 things you can smell
- 1 thing you can touch
Tuesday – Gratitude Mindmap
Why this is useful: When we are in a difficult situation, it can help if we remember all of the things we are grateful for. The list here is endless.
Time the children for 5 minutes to see how many things they can think of to be thankful for. They can be big things like family and friends, right down to tiny things such as ‘I’m grateful for my car pencil case’. They can draw or write. Feedback at the end.
Wednesday – Paper Creation
Why this is useful: Wellbeing isn’t all about being calm. It can also be obtained from a creative activity, in a low pressure situation where there are no right or wrong answers.
This task gives children a set period of time to construct a model (which could be abstract), just using paper, scissors and tape. Share the creations!
Thursday – Silent Disco
Why this is useful: Expressing yourself through dance and listening to music can be a useful way of reducing stress for some people.
Ask children on Wednesday to choose a piece of music they love to dance to or love to listen to ready for tomorrow. During the meeting on Thursday, ask them to play it through headphones and dance along to create a class silent disco. Ask them how dancing makes them feel. Some children may choose a calmer piece of music and not dance, ask them about their music choice and how calming music helps their mood. If you can get a screenshot of the whole class, make a display or share the collective photo with them.
Friday – Yoga Poses
Why is it useful? The benefits of regular yoga practice are plentiful; including increased lung capacity, balance and coordination. Performing poses slowly with control also has benefits for overall mental health and concentration.
This is of course a quick taster which will be fun and probably hilarious when they fall over in a comedic way – which of course will happen! Hopefully this taster will spark an interest for a few children to explore its benefits further.
Here’s a yoga for the classroom 10 minute clip to help you on your way:
Or these posters are free: