Welcome to my aspiring and new SENCO page – helping you to get the best role in a school (IMO)! From what the job entails to securing your first position, this page is designed to be the source of a wealth of information on new SENCOing!
Also see my other SENCO Resources page which has loads of freebies and is very popular!
Thanks for joining me!
Let’s start with the qualifications…

The next section has information on getting a SENCO role…
Next I have some further aspiring and new SENCO CPD:
If you wanted to undertake any courses to start you off, I have 2 which might be useful. The first one is run a couple of times a year (I can arrange for you to have a recording if you are unable to make the stated times) and the other with SEND station is run regularly throughout the year and focuses on where to start with a new SENCO role.
Please keep checking back for more information – this page for aspiring and new SENCOs will be updated with more content soon!
Good luck in finding your first SENCO role.